1925 Kansas State Census
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1925 Kansas State Census
1 842 896 záznamů
This collection contains census records from the state of Kansas, United States from the year 1925. Records typically include the name of the individual, place of birth, age, relatives in the household and residence information.<br><br>
Související kategorie záznamů:
Ukázkový záznam
Charles ParkerResidence: 1925 - Kansas, United States
Charles Parker, nicknamed "Bird" or "Yardbird", was an American jazz saxophonist, band leader, and composer. He was a highly influential soloist and leading figure in the development of “bebop”, a form of jazz characterized by fast tempos, virtuosic technique, and advanced harmonies. Parker was an icon for the hipster subculture and later the Beat Generation, personifying the jazz musician as an uncompromising artist and intellectual rather than just an entertainer.