Norway, 1875 Sailors and Seamen Census
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Norway, 1875 Sailors and Seamen Census
19 337 záznamů
The 1875 Norway census was created to include people native to the country and other residents. Sailors and seamen on Norwegian ships and ports were counted and they are in this sub-collection of the 1875 census. Each record typically contains the ship name and type, the person’s name, marital status, age, residence, and birthplace. This collection is provided through cooperation with the National Archives of Norway.<br><br>The Norway censuses contain information about all persons who lived in Norway on a specific date in a specific year. The 1875 census was officially conducted on December 31, 1875. The county names in this collection follow the new county (fylke) names adopted in 1919.
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Ukázkový záznam
Johan BrydeShip: Miranda
Johan Bryde was a Norwegian businessperson, ship owner, and whaler. He helped start the first modern whaling station in South Africa and the Bryde’s whale is named after him.